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empresa española contra vodafone

Spanish company (TOT) confronts the British giant Vodafone

The Spanish technology-based company Top Optimized Technologies (TOT) will face the British giant VODAFONE in the London courts for breach of contract, unfair competition and patent infringement, claiming compensation of 509 million euros.

The conflict has its origin in the unilateral breach by VODAFONE of the contract signed with TOT and that united them between 2010 and 2015 for the implementation of TOT’s proprietary technology that allows conversations to be maintained via mobile phone even in degraded conditions, such as when we get on an elevator or go through a tunnel.

After the contract was broken, VODAFONE hired HUAWEI (which is co-defendant in a parallel lawsuit in Madrid) to implement the same technology, which could mean a violation not only of the contract, but of TOT’s patents that protect its technology and know-how. -how. The novelty of this recent resolution is that the British courts declare themselves competent to evaluate the conflict, in parallel and independently of the lawsuit that is being conducted in Madrid before the Provincial Court.

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